苏ICP备19062721号-1 网站建设:中企动力 | 江阴
具有抗H2S-HCL-H2O应力腐蚀开裂能力和与常 用管板匹配的硬度,广泛用于中石化石蜡加氢、汽柴油加氢(高压氢气换热器)、催化裂化装置换热器、常减压装置常顶系统、常减压蒸镏装置、延迟焦化装置、连续重整装置等。08Cr2A1Mo钢管产品已经能够配套供应同一钢种的钢板及铸件,还配套供应专用焊丝焊条,具有和母材料同样的耐腐蚀性能。
With the ability of resistance to H2S-HCL-H2O stress corrosion cracking and the hardness of matching with common tube plate, the 08Cr2A1Mo seamless steel tubes have been, widely used in petrochemical paraffin hydrogenation gasoline and diesel hydrogenation (high pressure hydrogen heat exchanger), catalytic cracking unit heat exchanger, atmospheric- vacuum device overhead system, atmospheric- vacuum distillation device and delayed coking device, continuojjs reforming device etc.. 08Cr2A1Mo pipe products have been able to supporting the supply of steel plate and steel castings of the samesteel, and also supporting the supply of dedicated welding wires which have the same corrosion resistance as the parent material.